What is an annual evaluation?
According to Florida Statute an evaluation of the student's educational progress must be filed annually to the superintendent by the anniversary of the filing of the letter of intent.
The annual student educational evaluation must consist of one of the following:
- Florida certified teacher chosen by the parent may evaluate the child's progress based on a review of the portfolio and discussion with the student.
- The student may take any nationally-normed student achievement test administered by a certified teacher.
- The student may take a state student assessment test at a location and under testing conditions approved by the school district.
- The student maybe evaluated by a psychologist holding a valid, active license pursuant to section 490.003 (7) or (8), F.S. The student may be evaluated with any other valid measurement tool as mutually agreed upon by the parent and the superintendent.
Easy Florida Homeschool Evaluation provides an evaluation of the child's progress based on a review of the portfolio and discussion with the student.
Sign up for portfolio evaluation with a certified teacher.
Directions for completing an evaluation